a home for all your
Witchcraft Needs & Curiosities
welcome to
Wit, Will & Witchcraft.
A place for witches of all paths and beliefs to come together to learn about the practices, beliefs, histories and traditions of witchcraft. You will find information covering the various fundamentals and applications to help you on your journey of learning witchcraft.
What's New
We are constantly adding new spells, tools and resources to help you on your journey of how to become a witch. Keep checking back to see what is new.
Updated LUnar Calendar
It’s a new year and a new year means a new lunar calendar. Check it out to mark down important and dates that will be of use to you in your practice.
A Shop for All Your Witchy Needs
We not only want to provide you with information and learning material for you on your witchcraft journey, but also want to offer you a variety of witchcraft related goods in our shop! From art prints and eventually tools and materials you can use for your practice, you'll find it in our shop!
Quick Learning
Become a Witch
Learn about the general principles and thoughts behind becoming a witch and practicing witchcraft.
Recent Notes
Beyond the learning pages throughout our site, we also provide additional info, thoughts and notes regarding all things witchcraft. We will provide topical info, zodiac analysis, interviews and more!
Learn about Talismans, Amulets and more from Migene Gonzalez-Wippler
A book review discussing the The Complete Book of Amulets & Talismans by Migene Gonzalez-Wippler
Magic and Mental Health
A discussion on how ongoing challenges and obstacles can take a toll on the mind, and may affect motivation to work and develop your craft. And how to work through
How to Conscientiously and Respectfully Smoke Cleanse
A discussion and guide on how to properly smoke cleanse and how to be respectful of practices and terminology sacred to specific cultures.